Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day

This was a first for our family. The girls were finally old enough to do something cute for Jared this Father's Day. The night before Jared was working late and it was my night to put the girls to bed. I was getting things ready when a commercial for Father's Day came on and at the end of it, it said to give your dad a hug on Father's Day. Lizzy jumped off the couch and ran to me screaming " I want to give daddy a hug for Father's Day, mommy!" I was surprized that she even cared. So I told her Father's Day is tomorrow and you can give him a hug then.

Then I had this great idea that we should make a card for Jared. I got all the stickers and markers out and we started our little project. I helped a bit but everything else the girls did.They were so excited about their card for Jared. I honestly never thought that they would be this excited about anything other than candy.

The next morning we planned (the girls and I) to give Daddy his card while he was getting breakfast ready. So I got up and found Jared asleep on the floor in the living room while the girls were watching T.V. I got them up and we sneeked into the office and got the card out. I told them to go wake Dad up and say Happy Father's Day Dad!!! They were sooo excited, they ran out of the room and jumped on Jared screaming at the top of their lungs "Happy Father's Day Dad!!!" I thought it was funny.

Jared was so happy, there were hugs and kisses and more hugs from their Dad, they absoultely loved it.

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