Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BEEP BEEP!!!!!!!!!!!

So finally a about a week ago I did the drivers test.. I was so nervous, we went driving a bit before the test to just try to see if I could do the test without freaking out. The practice was horrible, parallel parking took me three times before I got it OK, then the U- turns weren't so great, but I managed. Then there was that incident when I stepped on the gas instead of the break and ran into the curb.. HARD!.. All about 20 mins before my test! I was about ready to cancel when I thought that I would just try it and see.

So I filled out the paper work and got everything ready. Then they told me to have a seat with the scoring paper. I had a chance to see what they would be looking at and how they would grade you (take 2 points off for this or 5 for that). As I read the paper work I started to get nervous. There was alot of things that I thought I wasn't great at. Like keeping with the speed limit ( I have a lead foot) or what to do about railroad crossings without a signal do I stop and look or just go? (we have alot here in UT) and everything else I thought I could do but would be great with more practice!

So I sat there for about 15 mins, rehearsing in my head all the things that I was suppose to do right. I kept reminding myself of what my driving teacher Libby told me about the examiners and how they could be really picky about certain things. This made me more nervous. I thought I was going to throw up all over this 16 yr old kid who was sitting next to me taking the written test.

Then this really sweet lady (reminded me of a RS president) came to me and introduced herself as the driving examiner. I was relieved that she wasn't wearing a police uniform or that she wasn't a man! She asked me to walk her to my car and she got in and explained everything on her scoring chart to me... what she was more interested in getting correct and that she would give me instructions well before I needed to make a turn or whatever the instruction. Basically no surprises! ...That was the most comforting thing, because I need to know where I am going or I will freak out! Which is the case now. If I never been there before I use the GPS, Google Maps and other sources to know what the road will be like. Yeah I know I am a FREAK!

So the test was suppose to be 15 mins long but she took me back to the Drivers License Bureau withing 10 minutes. I thought I failed. But she told me to park! ..She said I was the most careful driver she has seen in 10 years, and that my parallel parking was just 100% perfection. She said even she cant parallel park as well as I did! ... I thought she was being too nice, because during the parallel park I started to hyperventilate! I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and my butterflies were gone. I actually felt hungry.

So now I have a license... well its in the mail, but I have the paper work to show that I have one.... NOW for the car... I need one!


Aunt Linda said...

Nerves will get ya every time! Good job, Candice! Now--don't forget to renew your license when it's time--if you forget, you may have to take the drivers test all over again....yuck!

Holly said...

Wa-hoo for Candice!!

The Larsen's said...

Congrats!!! I knew you could do it! Now you can come and drive down to PAYSON!! J/K