Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No More Diapers!!!

Another great thing about this new year is Jamie wanting to use the potty. She has been watching Lizzy go for the past 8 mths and mommy too! Now she thinks that she is ready to start going on her own. About 2 days ago she actually did!! That was exciting because it finally became clear that I may not have to change any diapers until the baby got here! Jared decided that she shouldn't wear any diapers so that she could go the the potty more often.

I thought it was a stupid idea, simply because I delt with that theroy last year with Liz and I spent about two weeks in total cleaning up 'accidents'. I knew that it was too soon to let Jamie run around with no diapers on. It was only the first time that she ever used the potty, I knew she would have an accident. And she did, all over my kitchen floors and my very pale carpet! This wasn't a problem for Jared, as he was stuck on the couch with a bum knee so he couldnt help with the mess!
Since that night she hasnt used the potty, now she is too scared to have an accident all over again! So thanks to Jared Chase (the supposed Genius of potty training, who hasnt potty trained any children) my short lived dream of not having to change any diapers till the baby gets here is now smashed to bits!... But I did get some cute pics out of it!

1 comment:

Holly said...

We tried to start Delia potty training too, but no success yet. I was going to wait until she turned 3, but she seems intent on being naked all the time so I figure, why not?