Friday, January 4, 2008

Our New Nursery

I told you guys that I would keep you updated on what's going on with everything and so far I am glad to say that I am not experiencing any nausea or pains in any way. That is great news for us seeing that the last time that I got pregnant I was on bed rest at around 4 mths. So everything seems to be going great. I can only hope that I dont have any problems down the road that would cause me to go back on bed rest.

So far with each day Jared seems to be getting more and more excited for the new baby, I am not so excited yet. I am still in a kind of denile... I had a bad experience last time like I said. But the exciteng new is that I am going to make an attempt to design or sew everything for the new nursery. That includes the crib sheet, quilt, bumpers and wall hangings... I knew what theme I wanted for the nursery before I found out that I was pregnant unfortunealty, they discontinued the like about a month ago. It was the Rosebud line. Basically it was baby pin, whit and mint green and evey rose or rosebud was embroeidered onto the sheets and stuff . It was really cute.

Now the nursery is going to have a similar theme but a little different. Instead of the Rosebud theme we are going to go with the English Rosebud theme. So instead of the baby pink or soft pink we are going to get a bright pink kinda like the color pink that is used for the picture above. It is close to the color of an orignal pink rose, with white and Hazelnut as well. I will send you pics of the colors so you get a general idea. But if for some strange reason we have a boy i will just switch out the pink for a forget- me -not blue. So in case you were wondering the whole nursery wont be done till the baby is here.

As for me, considering that I can barely sew a button on there is a good chance that I will still be working on it well after the baby gets here. So for all you sewing people out there maybe you can give me some advice on how to start the quilt.

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