Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jared Samuel...

So my son is about 17 months old and he is really just a sweet heart, but at the same time he drives me crazy. He gets into everything, the toilet, the kitchen cabinets, the pantry and of course the laundry. I haven't had a clean house in months due to his constant searching and discovering. Sometimes I dont even bother picking up, because I know that in a hour or so he will just undo everything I just did! As for the girls they do their best to try to keep up with their own messes and their brother's messes. So Jared works late and gets home later now, like around 6pm -7pm, just enough time to eat dinner with us and help me put the kids to bed. Once all of that is done, we are both too exhausted to get up and put the rest of the toys away!

So while my son has his moments where all he wants is his daddy, he also has his moments where he wants his mommy, and that is usually when he is hungry, tired or sick. Other than that, he just holds onto my legs and screams at me, or he throws his sippy cup at my head if I dont get him a drink when he wants it, or he throws his cars at my head if I dont pay attention to him. So he is great .... I have been having alot of headaches lately and I wonder if it has anything to do with the number of times that I get hit in the head with a metal car!! hmmmmmm

But honestly, after the messes and having cars thrown at my head on a constant basis, Jared Samuel is really a great little boy, he loves his sisters and hugs them at least 20 times a day. He LOVES his daddy very much and gives him lots of kisses before he leaves for work and when he gets home from work. He loves to watch tv, and loves Barbie movies (dont know if that is really a good thing or not). He is usually not a fighter unless he is fighting me, and he loves to snuggle with his teddy bear and his blankie... even though he might drive me crazy (just like his daddy) I cant help but love him...He is truly a sweetheart!

1 comment:

The Larsen's said...

Jared Samuel and Hayden are very similar. Hayden loves to get into the books and pull them all out and then I put them away, and then he pulls them out again. It's a constant battle, but he can be a sweetheart too. I think it comes with the age.