Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Exciting News
Ok so I told most of you that I would be posting something really NEAT on our blog some time around the fouth of January. Well, seeing as most of you already know or found out in one way or the other I guess my hands are tied so I will let you in on the secret. We are expecting our third baby sometime soon. I know, I know, three kids seems like alot, but two kids are alot!! So what's one more right?!
Anyways, Jared and the girls are " super" excited about the new baby. I dont know if we are having a girl or a boy.I suspect that it is a girl, because the odds are against us, considering the only one in the family to have boys is Leah and we all know why. So now that we are expecting to have another little girl, I have already decided to name our baby (who is still a fetus) London "blank" Chase. Hopefully within the next 8 mths we would find a suitable name for her. I already have a few in mind like: Rose, Eve, Madison, Mercedes (like the cars), Gabrielle and Alex (short for Alexandria).
But let me know what you think or better yet give me some really cool names. We will keep everyone informed about our great news!


Aunt Linda said...

WOW! Congrats! I had a feeling you weren't busy enough.....

I really like the name Alexandria...it's majestic, like Elizabeth is.

SarahEagle said...

Hey Candy & Family!

It's Sarah Doolgar (Candy's cousin from her mom's side of the family!). Congrats on the baby news. If it is a girl I have the perfect middle name, how about Sarah. I personally think its a great name but I am kinda biase! I hope all is well!
Love you guys!